911 Poetry
B Nice TM

These are the poems I wrote for one week starting on 9/11/2001 since that time it seems we have gone much further down what I consider to be a very dangerous path. Now that the smoke has settled a bit consider where our nation is headed. Please take a moment out to pray for peace. God Bless America

Pray for Peace

I feel like a cat arched back hair standing on end
Watching the smoke spill into the streets
Here in Sacramento it's a gray cold morning
The familiar blazing sun is nowhere to be found
The calls for war have already begun
I don't care if I am the only one
I will continue to pray for peace
Please let the death and destruction cease
We have no need for escalating cycles of retaliation
Reducing all nations to rubble
Please god burst this bubble
Let us look into our hearts and find the infinite source of love
Before we act we need to look into the eyes of our children
Things are not always what they seem
Lets build the world of our dreams
There is no such thing as limited nuclear war


Fools Rush In

Beware of slick packages
All wrapped up with bright bows
In a land where it's impossible to determine the truth
Only fools ignore the ones with the most to gain
Remember the Maine




The deed is done
GW has already requested a blank check from the congress
It would be political suicide for anyone to disagree
Racist stories of mean glaring rude Arabs proliferate in the media
A truck full of explosives found last night under the George Washington
Bridge resulting in the arrest of two individuals vanishes from the
media in a puff of smoke
Once again an ex CIA asset is in line to be the fall guy
It's starting to get like watching reruns of Gilligan's Island as the
plot conforms to a strict rigid formula
I fear that this is just the beginning of an orgy of destruction
If there ever was a time for a true patriot to come forward and deliver
our nation from evil now is the time
Indisputable documentary proof is the only way to stop this now
This snowball is rolling down the hill completely out of control
I wonder who will be left to count the dead


Hold Your Pieces

Why did all of the planes detour over mountainous virtually uninhabited
areas instead of proceeding strait to their targets it seems
inconceivable that they were just joyriding
Why has there been no consideration that some of the terrorists might
have left the aircraft while they were in these remote areas
Considering that these planes are totally capable of automated flight I
am sure I can't be the only one that has considered that it must be
possible to create a computer interface that could fly these planes
like unmanned drones with radio or cell-phone control
What is the history on this international flight school in Florida I'll
bet dollar's to donuts that an investigation of the list of graduates
would be quite revealing
If we really have a free press where the fuck are they
If you take a minute to look into your heart you will know what is a
stake here
Speak now or forever hold your pieces


Trust (Oil Can)

I was stopped by a Sheriff today
I got a ticket for letting my registration lapse
I asked him what he thought about the war looming on the horizon
He said he we should hit them back twenty times harder than they hit us
I replied that it was like catching someone committing a crime and
blowing up their neighborhood
I could tell from his reaction that he could feel what I was saying

When I was a kid I went fishing with my friends one summers day. While
we were walking down steep banks of the creek that led to a small pond
we came upon some big bad teenagers that were drinking beer in the
woods. One kid who I considered a total JD started pestering us to drink
some beer so that they could be sure that we wouldn't rat on them. I was
steadfast in my refusal ignoring all of their requests until they let it
be know that if we all didn't drink some we were going to get an ass
kicking. At the request of my friends after they all drank some I
reluctantly took a sip. As soon as the can touched my lips one of the
bullies started laughing and blurted out that he pissed in it.
I wonder who the scarecrow was really afraid of when he was hiding out.

I know that there is a reader out their who has it in his power to stop
this madness
Don't wait too long you have many more friends than you know
You know you are better than this


Crying Time

I just watched the scarecrow hold a pep rally
Standing next to hardworking grim faced fireman
A man whose whole body radiated the seriousness of the grisly task in
which they were engaged
GW hyped the crowd up using a bullhorn repeatedly pointing it directly
in the ear of a real American hero
As I was watching our smiling smirking president standing on the graves
of our brothers and sisters whose lives have been snuffed out by this
tragedy trying whip up a lynch mob
All I could do was cry

Now's The Time

Pat Robinson and Jerry Fallwell prematurely bare their fascist fangs
Blaming this destruction on the ACLU, Liberal Americans, Gays, Pagans
and Feminists
Sensing that they were about to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory
The scarecrow barks out the command to heal
Pat and Jerry retract their statements saying that they were
An interesting story in the Rev. Moon's Washington Times says that the
black boxes from the airliners were probably destroyed in the fire
We are right on the razors edge
There is still time to stop this
I know that you are starting to get it now
What are you going to do about it
Charlie Parker played Now's the Time
Flowing water has the power to dissolve solid stone
Please stop this madness how many more will have to die


Don't Tread On Me

Drunken fanatical Islamic terrorists
Afghan cave dwellers savvy enough to make a bundle of money selling
short stocks in the companies that insure the world trade center
Still no info from the black boxes
Foreign terrorist that have American Military training
Ashcroft is seeking unprecedented broad wiretap legislation that amounts
to unlimited eavesdropping without warrants
Right wing think tanks on CSPAN thoughtfully employing circular
arguments reminiscent of the Salem witch trials
Broad sweeping declarations of war without even a clearly designated
enemy once the shooting starts nobody can say where it will end
If you truly love America the most patriotic thing you can do is examine
all the evidence and take the time to make sure before we spill one more
drop of the precious blood of our sons and daughters


The War Against Evil

The scarecrow say's that this is a war to eradicate evil
I guess when we win no parents will ever fight at any little league games
Cancer will no longer prematurely end the lives of good people
Nobody will ever wake up on a beautiful Sunday morning with a hangover
We will be able to abolish the prison system because only good people
will be left
We will finally be rid of the scourge of rush hour traffic
I will never have to hear elevator music versions of Beatles songs
Nobody on the entire planet will ever go hungry
We will be able to finally abolish all standing armies because there
will be no evil left to fight
All the industrialists who are making a killing on the undervalued
market this week will be gone
No more pollution
Goodbye shopping channel
The earth will finally move for every woman every time
No more nagging
Say goodbye to gossip
Adios TV commercials
I just can't figure out what we are going to do when all the politicians
are gone


Rag Time

It's interesting how the day the stock market was falling precipitously
the watchful eyes of the corporate media all focused on the markets
Fanning the flames as the investments of middle America went up in smoke
Today as the corporate fatcats scoop up all the undervalued stocks at
fractions of pennies on the dollar all the cameras are off
The ghost of Jessie James is riding down wall street today
I keep my money in my pockets
It was getting too stinky in my socks

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to loose"
Kenny Rogers
© 9/18/2001

Jack's Shiny New Boots

Ashcroft is talking about arresting people who may pose a threat to
They are revising the time that aliens can be held without charges from
twenty four hours to as long as they deem necessary
The Nimda Admin palindrome virus is probably a hoax designed to mask the
increased internet delays caused by the carnivore
Why is it suddenly necessary to make it legal to use secret evidence in
trials and how could any innocent person defend themselves against
secret evidence
Is the sharp suspension of civil liberties designed to flush out
Americans who believe in freedom so that they can be branded terrorists
My grandfathers fought a real war to defeat Fascism
Will America wake up before they start to lock up political prisoners in
sports stadiums and death squads are roaming the streets


Source of Article
B-Nice TM
Web Site @ http://bnice.n3.net/

So what do you think of what you've just read? Please write and tell us!