This is an archive of articles on politics and culture appearing in Vanguard Online as of 1996. Please click here for archives on Album Reviews, Gig Reviews and Interviews with Musicians.

The Unofficial History of America TM, IMF's Four Steps to Damnation, Could the Robin Hood Tax Really Give to the Poor?...
Consumerism: the socially excluding mindstate, The Rise and Rise of the Cafe Bar,
Why Doesn't the Government Respond to the Participating Public? ...
Seattle, J18 Don't let the violence divide us., Genoa what you're fighting for?...
The Great Fallacies of Vegetarianism...
Whose Environment BMW?...
A Viewpoint on Depression, John Peel on Dying, The Experience of Drug Addiction...
The Ugly Side of the American Beauty, What do we understand by a classic film?...
Foreign Policy
British Genocide in Diego Garcia, The Challenge Facing the United Nations, Pipelinistan,
The Rise of the Three Super Languages...
In Favour of the Golden Jubilee...
The West Bank: a first hand account, Refuseniks, Yesh Gvul...
Towards a theory of hip-hop...
Buddha of Suburbia, Brighton Rock, Middlemarch...
2000 Blueprint for Living...
Public Space
Public nudity, Psychology and Begging...
Hillsborough: ten years on, Football, glory and tears...
Introduction to Taiwan...
What's So Real About Reality Television?...
Taiwan, Israeli security, Bosnia...
En Guerra Contra Los Estados Unidos...

Capitalism [back to the top]

Consumerism [back to the top]

Democracy [back to the top]

Demonstrations [back to the top]
    Carnival Against Capitalism John Barker recounts the recent Carnival Against Capitalism which took place in London in June… November 1999

    Seattle Demonstrators report on the riots in Seattle. March 2000

    Give Up Activism Reflecting on the June 1999 riots in London, Andrew X questions whether a 'revolution' will ever happen while there are still activists. September 2000

    J18! Reflecting on the June 1999 riots in London, an un-named ponders the lessons for future protest. October 2000

    J18! Keep it Up, Don't Let the Violence Divide Us An un-named protestor considers some of the lessons learned from the organisation and execution of the WTO protests in London in June 1999. November 2000

    Direct Action In time for July 4th, a motley crowd of Greenpeace protesters took over several parts of a Yorkshire radar base which has for a good many years has been an important link in the chain of American spy bases spanning the world. This has lead John Roberts to ask the question when is direct action justified? August 2001

    Genoa What You're Fighting For? If violent protests succeed, a frightened populace will not turn to reform, but to repression of anarchists and anyone else who deals in terror. September 2001

    Threats to Liberty John Roberts argues that the determination of individuals to defy governments is, finally, the only safeguard against any threat to liberty. October 2001

    Trident on Trial Not content with sabotaging British Aerospace jet fighters the ploughshare women have recently gutted a Trident Nuclear Missile support ship. November 2001

Diet [back to the top]

Environment [back to the top]
    Whose Environment BMW? Exhaust emissions. CFCs and air-conditioning. Landfills. Certainly reasons enough to come up with environmentally-friendly cars, so BMW did just that. And then they considered the pollution problem from an unusual angle. The driver's. February 2000

Experience [back to the top]

Film [back to the top]

Foreign Policy [back to the top]
    British Genocide in Diego Garcia In the 1960s the islanders of the Diego Garcia were raped by the British Government…Why? John Roberts reports… December 2000

    Triumphant Terrorism The devotion to and worship of power so apparent in decades of building 'overkill' for the American military is a lesson to the terrorists of the need for violence which they learn only too well. September 2001

    Nemesis If a state erects the largest building in the world in order to direct a military capacity primed to destroy the entire human race many times over, it is a little disingenuous to cry 'foul' when it is attacked. John Roberts on the destruction of the Pentagon. September 2001

    The Challenge Facing the United Nations If a state erects the largest building in the world in order to direct a military capacity primed to destroy the entire human race many times over, it is a little disingenuous to cry 'foul' when it is attacked. John Roberts on the destruction of the Pentagon. September 2001

    Self-Defence Why The Recent Attacks On Afghanistan Break International Law November 2001

    A Tale of Two Cities As the big American airplane approached on that shining morning nothing untoward was expected. The nefarious preparations for sudden destruction had been long, thorough and secret, on a scale unparalleled in the history of terror. November 2001

    Orphans of the Cold War Learn the Limits of Freedom in Nicaragua's Elections November 2001

    La France Et La Protection De La Culture Francaise L'haine pour la culture americaine est pris à un extrème redicule avec le rejet sur les americaines en forme a McDonalds, la responsabilité de l'obésité en France. Bien sur l'alimentation du McDonalds n'est pas bon pour le pourtant, mais personne ne fais les francais la manger. May 2002

    Afghanistan One Year On September 2002

    Pipelineistan October 2002

    911 Poetry October 2002

    The Fight Against Al-Jazeera December 2005

Globalisation [back to the top]
    Is Utopia Just Around the Corner? Mike Williams explores new ways of thinking and doing things presented in Ankie Hoogvelt's new book Globalisation and the Postcolonial world.September 1998

    Their Loss Is Our Loss John Roberts bemoans the loss of so many languages and the rise of the three super languages: English, Spanish and Chinese. September 2000

Identity [back to the top]

Israel [back to the top]
    Terror v Terror It is interesting to reflect on the unfortunate irony that the lessons of the Nazis persecution of the Jews have been well learnt… the views about the Arabs expressed by many Jews interviewed bear striking resemblances to the racial intolerance evinced by fascist regimes. November 2001

    The West Bank: a First Hand Account May 2002

    Refuseniks Clarity of conscience causes some Israeli soldiers to refuse service in the West Bank and Gaza Strip October 2002

    Yesh Gvul Information about Yesh Gvul - an Israeli peace group that has shouldered the task of supporting soldiers who refuse assignments of a repressive or aggressive nature. November 2002

Music [back to the top]

Novels [back to the top]

Philosophy [back to the top]

Public Space [back to the top]

Sport [back to the top]
    Boxettes Mike Williams on why women's boxing is making men put on their gloves . June 1998

    The Future of Football Mike Williams argues that football has become a stage for the exhibition of nationalism and looks at the consequences for the beautiful game… June 1998

    Three Asses on a Shirt Mosquito bemoans the mad, mad, mad, sad world of football. June 1998

    Hillsborough - Ten Years On With the denizens of Liverpool being a hyper sensitive lot when the subject of Hillsborough is made, the politically correct thing to do nowadays is to blame the disaster either on the police (the supposed source of all evil in our society) or no-one. Bucking this trend, Guernica gives a compelling account for why Liverpool's fans must take a substantial share of the blame. May 1999

    Championes! Guernica gives a fascinating fan's eye view of Manchester United's Champions Cup victory. Knocked off inter-rail passes, vodka and oranges on the beach, topless babes and the memory of Matt Busby… May 1999

    The Jewel in the Trash In the new era of 'sports entertainment' Imran Ahmed argues that WWF is more than just muscle, steroids and play acting: there's the Redneck psyche to fight for… May 1999

    Football, Glory and Tears Celebrate England's 5-1 victory over the Germans with Tessa Tosterone. September 2001

Taiwan [back to the top]

Television [back to the top]

Travel [back to the top]